1. Third Party Cookies
    1. Overview
    2. Password Reset
    1. System Notifications
    2. Data Manager Notifications
    1. Troubleshooting Load Times
    2. Cache Warming
    1. Updating License Key
    1. Web Accessibility
    1. Menu Tuning
    2. Cache Warming
    1. Password Settings

Embedding & Using Analytics: Data Manager

Field Calculations

Performs some formula calculations on fields like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and concatenate with a separator. For more on this check out our blog post.

Add a Field Calculation to a Data Manager Group

  1. Navigate to the backend of the system (e.g. http://curatorexample.com/backend).
  2. Log in if prompted.
  3. Click on Data Manager > Data Groups in the left navigation.
  4. Select the group you want to edit or click on the "New Group" button.
  5. Click on the Field Calculation to add a new item.