PowerPoint & Report Automation 

Make sure your dashboards travel well.

Your hard-won insights won't always be in the context you remember: one someone's phone, in front of a board room, or shared on zoom.  Make sure all these different life-spans of your data have all the right context. Curator's Report Builder easily lets you add any Tableau Dashboard, image, or PDF alongside comments that are automatically delivered to your audience. It also remembers filter selections, allows for complex scheduling and can be sent to any group of people that have an email address. That's a lot of people.

On-Demand and On-Time
Save valuable time, avoid repetitive tasks

Create pre-built reports your team can send on-demand to whomever they want. If you know they'll need it in the future, or on a recurring basis, just set up a schedule to deliver it to their inbox the second they need it. Do you know where that dashboard you worked so hard on is? We sure don't, but it doesn't matter - dashboards can now find your audience rather than the other way around.

Dashboards To PDF or PowerPoint
Meet your audience where they're at

Tired of putting together the same monthly report? Or is it that QBR that's giving you a headache? Curator makes it easy to export Tableau Dashboards to the format your audience loves the most.

Store Filter Selections
Saving you Clicks

Have a team who needs the same report, but filtered down to their exact region or area? Report Builder stores filter selections and keeps them forever. When you decide to set your scheduled, or push them out to all your users at month-end, you can rest assured they're getting the right data, pre-filtered and relevant to their most important decisions.

Brand your Exports
Trust in your brand enhances trust in the data

After all the hard work of getting the data into the right place, it's easy for screenshots, PDFs and PowerPoints to float out into the ether with know one knowing who put all these pieces together in the first place. Curator lets you add header and footer slides. When someone fires up the projector or a screen-share, you can ensure your logo is on the cover of the valuable data inside the deck.