February 2023 Curator Release Roundup

Kate An
February 22, 2023

It’s the end of the month, so it’s time for a new take on an old classic! Welcome to the February Curator release notes. Key new features we added this release are listed here in more detail, so you can explore and try them out for yourselves. 

Think of it like we’re upgrading your monkeys in Bloons TD6 (for our flash game fans out there!) We’re giving you better stats, abilities and more to make sure you’re popping those pesky bloons better and faster. Or, you know, sharing those dashboards better and faster too. Whichever works.

New Features


  • Added ability to bring custom user attributes and inherit via SAML or assign attributes via frontend groups or frontend users. Supports Tableau Online's new user attributes calculations (only on Connected Apps).

Above: SAML attributes added in Authentication Settings.

Above: User attributes added in Frontend Users.

Above: Custom attributes added in Frontend Groups.


  • Added keyword functionality to ThoughtSpot and PowerBI.

Above: Keywords now accessible for ThoughtSpot and PowerBI.


  • Added sorting function.

Above: Enable sorting toggle added in page builder.