April 2023 Curator Release Roundup

Kate An
April 28, 2023

It may be April (for a few more days at least), but the April Curator release is no April Fool’s joke! We’ve (April) showered in exciting new features for you, along with the showcase video to help you become the most Curator-savvy amongst your coworkers and give you more insight on how to implement these new features and changes. So what are you waiting for? Upgrade to the newest Curator version now and try out all the cool new features! 

We’ll blaze through the new features below the video here for your reference. Let’s get to it:

New Features and Changes


  • Added Domain Mapping.

Above: Domain mapping added in Username mapping Users settings.

Frontend Groups

  • Added ability to batch create frontend groups.

Above: Batch Create feature added in Frontend Groups Users settings.


  • Unified uploads on WYSIWYG elements.

Above: Files such as image and video files are now uploaded to the Curator file system.


  • Added loading animation to explorer view.

Above: Loading animation in explorer view.


  • Added mark as read delete button for one-off notifications.

Above: Mark as read button added to one-off notifications.

Above: Event log gives information on which user marked the notification as read.



  • Added support to import and export Power BI dashboards.

Above: Power BI dashboards and reports export.

Above: Power BI dashboards and reports import.


  • Added API Permissions to restrict access on what each API can do.